Link of the Day
Have you
ever seen the movie Jaws? Is anyone on the shark’s side? Take a look at this current event and think
about how you could use this example for an SAT essay asking, “Is there always
another explanation or another point of view?”
Look for themes and facts about sharks that could be used to
substantiate an opinion on a variety of issues.
Consider the question, “Should people let their feelings guide them when
they make important decisions?” Maybe
you don’t feel like petting a shark, but you can understand why some people
want to protect them.
Critical Reading: Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of
words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the
meaning of the sentence as a whole.
cover your answers and read the sentence carefully. You will be able to use context clues to
predict a word to fill the blank. Then
you can match your prediction to the correct answer and eliminate any words
that do not match. Be sure to look at
all of the answer choices before selecting your answer.
To some scholars of medieval Britain, the legendary King Arthur is
a genuine historical figure, while to others he and his Round Table are nothing
more than ------- of myth and romance.
This sentence sets up a
contrast; some scholars think one way, while others think another way. The first set of scholars thinks that King
Arthur is genuine. The word genuine
means real, so the second group of scholars must think that he is not real, or
that he was imagined. The word “myth”
confirms that the second group does not believe Arthur and his Round Table are
real. Predict a word such as “fictions”
or “inventions” and look down at your answer choices.
(A) harbingers
(B) trifles
(C) spoilers
(D) figments
(E) inventors
(A) If you know the verb “harbor,”
as in harbor a fugitive, you may be able to deduce the meaning of this
word. Those who harbor fugitives give
shelter to people running from the law.
This word is related to a word used in the fifteenth century for people
who were sent ahead to arrange shelter for important travelers. Over time the meaning has broadened to mean anything
foreshadowing a future event. The
stories of King Arthur are in the past, not the future, and this word does not
match your prediction. Eliminate this
(B) Trifles are not very important, but this
contrast has nothing to do with importance.
The word “trifle” does not mean “fiction,” so eliminate this choice.
(C) Even if you do not know what the word “spoilers”
means, it probably sounds negative to you.
Your prediction was not negative, and there is nothing that indicates
that myths and romances are perceived negatively in this sentence. Eliminate this choice.
(D) You have probably heard
someone say the words “a figment of your imagination.” If figments are imaginary things, that
matches your prediction exactly. Keep
this choice and quickly look at the last answer choice.
(E) Inventors may produce inventions, or even
something fictional, but they are not themselves made-up or imaginary. Eliminate this answer choice.
The correct answer is (D).
Words used in this SC:
Harbingers: people or events that foreshadow
or announce the coming of something
Trifles: things of very little
Spoilers: people who rob others or things
that spoil something
Figments: fabrications or fantasies,
imagined things
Inventors: people who create new
On, 68% of the
responses were correct.
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