Link of the Day
question for today is about a literary figure who loathes public
appearances. Although she is now an
established literary giant, no one asked Emily Dickinson to make public
appearances because her talent was unknown until after her death. Read this information about her life and consider
using your knowledge of this poet and one of her poems as one of your five literary
examples for the SAT essay.
Critical Reading: Sentence Completions
Choose the word or set of
words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the
meaning of the sentence as a whole.
Always cover up the answer
choices so that they do not influence the way you think about the
sentence. Read the sentence carefully
and use context clues to predict a word to fill the blank. Then match your prediction to the correct
answer, eliminating any choices that do not match. Look at each answer choice, even if one of
the first answers seems to be correct.
Because she has a great need for ------- , she loathes
the public appearances demanded of her as a leading literary figure.
This question tests whether
you know the meaning of the word “loathe.”
However, you can still answer this question correctly even if you do not
know this word. You can tell that this
woman dislikes public appearances because she finds them demanding. She would not feel that these appearances
were demanding if she enjoyed them. If
she dislikes public appearances, then she appreciates the opposite – private moments. Predict the word “privacy” and look down at
your answer choices.
(A) luxury
(B) privacy
(C) reward
(D) devotion
(E) distraction
(A) Luxury can be either private or public; it
has nothing to do with your prediction.
Eliminate this answer choice.
(B) This choice matches your
prediction exactly. Nevertheless, you
should still quickly check the other answer choices before selecting it. (C)
This answer is meant to distract you if you are only looking for
something good. Privacy could be a
reward for an introvert, but “reward” does not mean “privacy.” Eliminate this choice. (D) Devotion requires something or someone
outside oneself. It does not mean “privacy.” Eliminate it.
(E) Distraction does not mean “privacy.” Eliminate it.
The correct answer is (B)
Words used in this SC:
Loathes: hates, detests
Luxury: wealth and the comfort it
Privacy: seclusion from others,
Reward: something given in return
for an action
Devotion: attachment to a cause or
Distraction: something that catches one’s
attention and prevents concentration
70% of the responses were correct.
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