Geometry: Triangles
Read the following SAT test
question and then select the correct answer.
all math questions the same way so that you can be confident in your
method. Start by reading the question
carefully and making a note of the bottom line – the answer that you must find. Then, assess your options and
choose the most efficient method to attack the problem. When you have found an answer, loop back to
make sure that it is your bottom line.
In the triangles above, 3(y
– x) =
Bottom Line: 3(y – x) = ? (Don’t solve for x or y and think that you
are finished!)
Assess your Options: The wonderful thing about geometry questions
is that there is often more than one way to get to an answer. The tricky thing is that using some geometry
rules will take longer than others. For
example, you could use the rule that all degrees in a triangle add up to 180
degrees. Then you would write out an
equation to solve for the missing variables in each triangle. This is the method used on However, if you have special triangles
memorized, you can save a lot of time.
Attack the Problem: The first triangle is a right isosceles triangle. You know this because it has one right angle,
and the other two angles are equal. This
is a special triangle that is very common, so you should memorize the fact that
its angles measure 45, 45, and 90 degrees. The
x is equal to 45.
Now look at the second
triangle. It is an equilateral
triangle. You know this because all
three angles are equal. You should
memorize the fact that all the angles in an equilateral triangle equal 60
degrees. The y is equal to 60.
Now that you know what the
x and y are, plug these numbers into your equation.
3(y – x) =
3(60 – 45) = 45
Loop Back: You solved for your bottom line, so you are
ready to look at the answer choices.
(A) 15
(B) 30
(C) 45
(D) 60
(E) 105
77% of the responses were correct.
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